Some of us wonder where God is, given all that is going on in our lives, including the pandemic, ferocious fires, a crippled economy, and protests in the streets. There is also confusion in our church, with some playing God and telling us how to vote and judging who is eligible to share Holy Communion. How important it is to reflect on these words from our second reading: “my God will fully supply whatever we (you) need.” One way to imagine God’s Presence is to see His Presence in those who are ill, in the trees that burn, in the poor and needy that are deprived of necessary goods, and anybody who suffers needlessly. What if we imagined God asking us, “where are all the people I created with intelligence, a heart and soul and intuition.” God would go on saying, “I sent Jesus who gave you the example of how to come together and love me, others and yourselves. I trust you all to work together to do your best in alleviating the needs of all people. Now, go for it!”