We in the Ministry to the Homebound (MTTH) take the Eucharist, the Body of Jesus, (communion) to people who are unable to participate in Mass for an extended period of time. We celebrate communion services in numerous assisted living facilities and we also take requests, made through the parish office, for private communion in one’s home.
In this ministry we also focus on BEING eucharist (small ‘e’) to and for others. At our meetings we always include some topic for reflection and sharing which serves as a catalyst in our growing and BECOMING more like Jesus ---so that we can BE eucharist, BE nourishment, for everyone with whom we come in contact.
It is always acceptable to request private communion when one is not able to participate in Mass for an extended period.
Please call the
Parish Office: 916-989-7400
During this pandemic you may request private communion when the following circumstances exist: you are either unable to participate in our in-person Mass on weekends, OR you are unable to come through our drive-up communion line on Sundays at 10:30am.
We in this ministry will do our best to serve you, taking into consideration our available volunteers and all the public health guidelines in place for the general public and at the facilities we serve.
Did you know that you can watch the Mass at Divine Savior EVERY DAY via Facebook live stream or YouTube live?
Click one of these:
Mass via Facebook Mass via YouTube
If you would like to stay connected in other ways, try these weekly talks with our parish priests:
Tuesdays at 9:30am:
Sundays at 2:00pm: