"When God calls us to...petitionary prayer, to intercessory prayer...He's inviting us to come alongside Him, to work with Him, to will the good with Him, and to get to know His heart."
~ Fr. Mike Schmitz, from Ascension Presents
No Christian is meant to walk the journey of faith and life alone... From the earliest days of the Church, St. Paul encouraged the faithful to "Persevere in prayer," (Colossians 4:2) "Pray without ceasing," (1 Thessalonians 5:17) and "Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God." (Philippians 4:6)
We encourage you to submit your prayer requests so that our Divine Savior parish community can lift up all those in need of prayer to the Lord, who reminds us: "I know well the plans I have in mind for you, plans for your welfare, not for woe! Plans to give you a future full of hope. When you call me, when you go to pray to me, I will listen to you." (Jeremiah 29:11-12)
Glee Scully, 07-2023
Walter Nauer, 07-2023
Barbara Lowenkron, 07-2023
Ronnie Nichols, 08-2023
Nancy Begley, 08-2023
Barbara Fouret, 08-2023
Janeen Yelchak Wilderman, 09-2023
Tom Karras, 09-2023
Geraldine Waldron, 09-2023 Dorothy Wilhite, 10-2023
Alice Amantea, 11-2023
Clinton Kepko, 11-2023
Margaret Martin, 12-2023
Nancy Bingham, 12-2023
Naida Effinger, 12-2023
Tom Sekel, 01-2024
John Yelchak, 02-2024
Gladys Gonsalves, 02-2024
Joanne Bates, 03-2024
Octavia Ennis, 04-2024
Jeannine Yeggy, 05-2024
Marylou English, 05- 2024 Bob MacKinnon, 05-2024 Steven Meyer, 06-20244 Marilyn "Mimi" McCall, 06-2024 Beverly Ridge, 06-2024 Marilyn Ulbricht, 8-2024 Andrew Effinger, 08-2024 Susan Chavez, 08-2024 Deanna Freeman, 08-2024 Helen Hopkins, 08-2024 Robert Glynn, 09-2024 Gerrie Parker, 09-2024 Tim Boyer, 09-2024 Mary Piona, 10-2024 Walter "Geary" Andrews, 10-2024 Mary Patricia Michelmore, 10-2024 Joseph Burns, 10-2024 Larry Culler, 11-2024 Bruce McGagin, 11-2024 Edward Galben, 11-2024 Susan Taylor, 12-2024 Rachael Lopez, 12-2024 Kimanh Davis, 12-2024 Marilee Wilderman, 12-2024
Bethann Michell, 01-2025 Donna Schulte, 01-2025
Melissa Rheams, 01-2025